Teeth Straightening: 7 Safe Ways to Get Straighter Teeth

Byte Dentistry • Sep 14, 2022

According to 68% of Americans, people who smile are more confident, approachable, and trustworthy. Another 76% say a smile is the number one physical trait to make a first impression on others. A stunning, straight smile could set you up for success. 

With teeth straightening solutions from your dentist in Houston, TX, you won't have to worry about crooked teeth. Instead, you can show off your straight teeth with the utmost confidence.

Read on to discover the seven teeth straightening options you can discuss with your dentist today!

1. Traditional Metal Braces

Most people associate orthodontic treatment and teeth straightening with traditional metal braces. Braces use pressure and control to shift and straighten your teeth over time. They can close gaps between your teeth or fix alignment issues. 

Traditional metal braces are often made with stainless steel or titanium. They also consist of elastic o-rings, archwires, and metal brackets. 

These components can exert constant yet gentle pressure on your teeth to push them into place. 

With so many new, innovative treatment options available, many people have started to turn away from traditional metal braces. However, they're still one of the most effective and comprehensive options available.

Braces can fix even complex bite or misalignment issues. You might find you're not a candidate for Invisalign or other options if you have these problems. Your Houston dentist will likely recommend traditional braces instead. 

Traditional braces also offer consistency you can't guarantee with Invisalign.

With Invisalign treatment, you'll need to remove your aligners to eat, drink, brush, and floss. Unfortunately, many people neglect to put their aligners back into place. As a result, it's possible to delay your treatment timeline.

Traditional braces, on the other hand, are fixed to your teeth. You can't remove them at home. As a result, you won't have to worry about keeping them in.

Traditional metal braces are also stronger than some alternatives. You won't have to worry about cracking or chipping your brackets. 

As a fun bonus, you can also customize your braces with your favorite colors. You can also select clear bands for more discretion.

2. Ceramic Braces

Though ceramic braces are similar to traditional metal braces, they offer a clear advantage. Ceramic braces use transparent or tooth-colored brackets. As a result, they're able to offer more discretion than their metal alternative.

The wires used for ceramic braces are an off-white color, too. 

Ceramic braces are sometimes referred to as "clear braces." They're able to treat many of the same alignment and spacing issues as traditional braces. However, they can also offer more comfort and faster treatment periods than traditional braces.

The innovative material used with ceramic braces should cause less irritation than metal brackets do.

You could stain your ceramic braces if you're not careful, though. Remain cautious drinking or eating stain-inducing foods and beverages. Make sure to brush your teeth after consuming anything that might stain your braces. 

It's important to note that ceramic braces could cost more, though. Make sure to consult your dentist in Houston, TX, about your teeth straightening options. 

They can help you determine which treatment suits your orthodontic needs and budget.

3. A Fixed Retainer

A retainer is a wire-based dental device. You can wear it overnight to keep your teeth in their current alignment.

Your dentist might recommend a fixed retainer instead of a full set of braces if you only have minor crowding or alignment issues. Usually, however, retainers are used after treatment with braces or Invisalign aligners.

Some patients use removable retainers as part of their treatment plans for slight crowding issues.

4. Invisalign

Invisalign uses clear, plastic aligners to bring your teeth slowly into place. They've become a popular alternative to metal braces due to the discretion they provide. Most people won't recognize you're wearing aligners over your teeth.

During your consultation appointment, your dentist will take a scan of your teeth. Then, a lab will design your customized aligners to ensure they fit properly. You'll switch out your aligners every one or two weeks.

Each set of aligners will bring your teeth closer into alignment.

Invisalign is effective as an alternative to traditional metal braces for patients with minor to moderate alignment issues. 

Remember, you'll need to remove your aligners to eat and drink beverages besides water. Otherwise, you could risk staining the plastic. 

You'll also need to wear the aligners for about 22 hours each day. It's important to brush and floss before you put your aligners back into place. 

Aligners can fix a range of orthodontic issues. They're also more comfortable than metal brackets and wires. You won't have to worry about irritating your lips, gums, or mouth.

5. Self-Ligating Braces

Self-ligating braces are available in clear and metal options. As with traditional braces, they use a wire to draw your teeth into alignment. However, they use clips rather than rubber ties to hold the wire into place.

This option is ideal if you're interested in a shorter treatment. They're also easier to adjust

6. Lingual Braces

If you're interested in straighter teeth, consider talking to your dentist about lingual braces. Lingual braces are similar to traditional braces, though these braces are hidden. They're placed at the back of your teeth, making them nearly invisible.

Lingual braces offer a discrete treatment option. You also won't have to worry about visible staining.

7. Veneers

In some cases, you might consider veneers instead of traditional braces. Veneers can transform your smile to create the appearance of straight teeth. They're customized to fit your face before they're placed over your existing teeth.

Most veneers are made with porcelain, which is stain-resistant. They last about 10 to 15 years before they need to be replaced.

However, this is not a long-term solution.

Visit Your Dentist in Houston, TX for Teeth Straightening

Want to show off your stunning, straight teeth? Consider talking to your dentist in Houston, TX, about these teeth straightening options. With their help, you can improve your dental health with a straighter smile.

Schedule your consultation appointment today to determine which option best suits your needs.

Eager to get started? We can't wait to help. Contact our office today to learn more.

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