Houston Orthodontics

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Walking around Houston with crooked teeth is no fun. Not only does a bite misalignment lower your self-esteem and keep you from smiling, it can make chewing and speaking uncomfortable. When you’re ready to get the straight beautiful smile that you truly deserve, contact byte Dentistry and let Dr. Emdin take a look. In addition to reliable orthodontic screenings for patients of all ages, our dream smile team also offers the latest teeth straightening treatment advancements, like Invisalign clear plastic aligners, that will help you achieve that perfect smile. Invisalign treatment works by moving your teeth slowly into the correct position just like regular orthodontic treatment minus the metal wires, orthodontic issues, and fewer office visits.

Is Dr. Emdin an Orthodontist?

Dr. Emdin is not an orthodontist, but he is a licensed general dentist who is highly trained to provide his patients with orthodontic screenings and teeth straightening services like Invisalign treatment. Although orthodontists and dentists both focus on a patient’s oral care, an orthodontist has had additional schooling for using fixed metal and ceramic braces to straighten the teeth of patients with over and underbites, misaligned teeth and teeth overcrowding compared to a Invisalign dentist that provides Invisalign treatment.

In addition to orthodontic care, a general dentist like Dr. Emdin offers these preventative, restorative and cosmetic dentistry services:

In-Office Orthodontic Screenings

Dr. Emdin performs orthodontic treatment screenings for patients of all ages right in our office. Here’s how the orthodontic treatment screening process works:

  • Orthodontics Screenings for Kids

    The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) recommends that all children get their first orthodontic screening by age 7 so that a dentist like Dr. Emdin can assess their mouth’s growth and development. That’s because minor teeth misalignment issues that are detected early on can usually be corrected with palatal expanders or tooth spacers. Early intervention more reliably prepares your child’s mouth for braces once all their permanent teeth have come in.

  • Orthodontics Screenings for Adults

    It’s never too late to achieve a straighter, healthier-looking smile. When you’re ready, Dr. Emdin will carefully examine your bite alignment and teeth positioning during an ortho screening. If we don’t already have a set of X-rays on file, low exposure digital X-rays will be taken. You will also be given the chance to discuss with Dr. Emdin your objectives and best options for teeth-straightening, including any questions you might have about the different types of braces.

  • Are Fixed Braces the Right Teeth Alignment Option for Me?

    Orthodontists typically use these 2 types of fixed braces to straighten teeth:

    • Traditional braces. These braces involve the placement of ceramic or metal bands on the front of a patient’s teeth that are then connected with wires. Those wires are tightened every 4 to 6 weeks to guide misaligned teeth into their proper positions. In addition to being very noticeable, traditional braces can cause mouth and chewing discomfort, require certain food restrictions, and make teeth cleaning more difficult.
    • Lingual braces. Lingual braces are similar to traditional braces but are worn on the back of the teeth instead of the front. Some adults prefer lingual braces because they are less noticeable, but not all orthodontists offer them. Lingual braces can be costly, they don’t work well for correcting under or overbites, and the bands and wires typically interfere with speaking and swallowing.

What Our Patients have to say!

He tried smile direct club, and it didn’t work, he took a while to get started with Invisalign, but he loved how fast his results occurred. He said he wished he never wasted time and money trying to straighten his teeth online

She felt her teeth were short and crooked, we used Invisalign to make the teeth straighter

then did a gum lift to reveal more of her natural teeth

8 months on Invisalign corrected the lower crowded teeth

10 months of Invisalign fixed this lower crowding was fixed

Patient Reviews at

byte Dentistry

Invisalign: The Best Alternatives to Fixed Braces

You’ve probably heard about removable braces like Invisalign treatment clear aligners before because they’ve been around for quite a while. If you’re a candidate for Invisalign clear aligner trays in Houston Texas, they are an affordable, comfortable, and virtually invisible teeth-straightening alternative to fixed ceramic or regular metal braces. At byte Dentistry in Houston Texas, some of our Invisalign clear aligners patients in Houston Texas, have seen dramatic results within as little as 3 months without noticeable metal braces!

Here’s why Invisalign aligners patients in Houston Texas like wearing the Invisalign braces plastic aligners:

  • No food restrictions
  • No speaking or swallowing discomfort
  • Virtually invisible to onlookers
  • BPA-free plastic trays are safe and comfortable when worn
  • Can be easily removed for teeth brushing and flossing 
  • They work!


Another major positive with Invisalign removable aligners in Houston Texas is the fact the removable trays won’t interfere with your busy lifestyle throughout the entire treatment. Most of our Invisalign treatments patients only come in every 6 to 8 weeks for follow-up appointments, and a lot of dental insurance companies are now covering at least some of the costs associated with removable braces. If you have any questions about your dental plan’s coverage or monthly payment plans, please contact our office to speak with an insurance specialist in Houston Texas about many dental insurance plans and Invisalign in Houston TX cost.


Do you want a straighter smile without the hassle of metal braces? If so, visit byte Dentistry in Houston area to meet with Christopher Emdin, DDS, orthodontist Houston to discuss InvisalignⓇ. This innovative teeth-straightening system can help you achieve the smile of your dreams without the inconvenience of traditional metal braces. Thousands of men and women have used Invisalign to create amazing smiles. Use the online scheduling tool to book your visit, or contact the office by phone to set up an appointment to learn more.


Do you want a straighter smile without the hassle of metal braces? If so, visit byte Dentistry in Houston to meet with Christopher Emdin, DDS, to discuss InvisalignⓇ. This innovative teeth-straightening system can help you achieve the smile of your dreams without the inconvenience of traditional metal braces. Thousands of men and women have used Invisalign to create amazing smiles. Use the online scheduling tool to book your visit, or contact the office by phone to set up an appointment to learn more.

Invisalign® Q & A

  • What is Invisalign?

    Invisalign is a patented teeth-straightening system that uses a series of clear plastic aligners to gently shift your teeth into optimal positions. The process works much in the same way as metal braces but lacks many of the drawbacks of traditional orthodontia.

  • Why choose Invisalign over metal braces?

    The primary reason many men and women select Invisalign providers as an alternative to traditional metal braces is the aesthetic benefits. You’ll never need to experience a mouthful of metal to achieve a gorgeous, straighter smile. In fact, the clear plastic aligner trays fit so snugly over the surface of your teeth that most people won’t even notice you’re wearing them!

    Additional benefits include:

    • No abrasions or friction to the soft tissues in your mouth
    • No need for appointments to repair broken wires or brackets
    • No special dental hygiene requirements
    • No dietary restrictions
    • Fewer visits to your dental specialist

    For many, the benefits of Invisalign make the system a clear choice.

  • Am I a good candidate for Invisalign?

    Invisalign can correct many common alignment issues, including:

    • Overbite
    • Underbite
    • Open bite
    • Crossbite
    • Crowded teeth
    • Gapped teeth
    • General misalignment

    While Invisalign is a great option for many, there are some cases that metal braces can better address. Dr. Emdin can discuss your options with you during your initial consultation.

  • How does Invisalign straighten my teeth?

    The process begins with your initial consultation. Dr. Emdin captures a digital scan of your mouth then uses the Invisalign software to create your treatment plan. You’ll even be able to see what your smile will look like once treatment is complete.

    Next, the information from the scan is sent to the lab where your custom aligners are crafted. When they arrive, you return and Dr. Emdin shows you how to wear the top and bottom trays.

    You wear your aligners for 22 hours or more each day, removing them only to eat or complete your oral hygiene routines. The aligners place just the right amount of pressure on your teeth to shift them. You then switch to a new set of aligners every couple of weeks until your smile is optimally aligned.

    To find out if Invisalign might be right for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Emdin at your earliest convenience.

    *byte Dentistry is neither sponsored by nor affiliated with Straight Smile, LLC and its byte brand direct-to-consumer product line for teeth aligners and related services.

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